Christmas Tour of Homes
Our nine foot, live tree graces the foyer and it is the first thing you would see after walking in the front door. We used to put it in the living room which has a bay window, but now with 7-8 adults opening presents on Christmas morning, there was not enough room both.

Turn around and you will see our stockings. During this past year's home remodeling, we had the chimney torn down :( We intend the replace it in Phase II of the remodeling.
Next I would invite you into the living room and offer you a seat beside this large poinsettia. Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?

In which case, I would invite you into the kitchen and we'd visit around this centerpiece.

May your Christmas be merry and your New Year be bright.
Edit: Lest you think, my decorating is so perfect, consider checking out the picture of my front door/yard posted on my
xanga site.