Manners on MondayDo you recognize this fellow?

Every now and then we all have bad days.
Thankfully our mothers dont usually write about them.
And if they did, it wouldnt become as public and famous as this dejected lad's fateful day.
Misery loves company, but not that much!!
Pluh - eeeze.
Yet we all know that authors write about who and what is well-known to them, so it was interesting to read about
this particular Alexander (Judith's real-life third son) who is all grown up now and having good days.
He even gave his mother permission to write about it.
Judith Viorst (who celebrated her 77th birthday this past Saturday) recently published an entertaining insight into her family life with adult children. Alexander, who initially wanted to move to Australia to escape his bad day, has moved his wife and three small children into with his parents' home while renovations are taking place on his own abode.
This account is delightful and should be required reading for anyone contemplating the housing of friends or family for an extended period of time. It's a much better way to instruct on the rules of living together than assigning a chapter in Emily Post - although that might be a good idea anyway!
For example, for courtesy's sake Mom Viorst (JuJu) thinks she should be telephoned when Alexander et al are not coming home for dinner, but since he doesnt agree, she posts her list of *house rules* at the outset. These rang decidedly true with me.
Quickly review these topics and guess what the concern might be:
1) where to eat
2) white rings on furniture
3) computer use (home office)
4) remote controls
5) dish washing
6) refrigerator organization
7) techno-know-how
8) child-proofing
Alexander and the Wonderful, Marvelous, Excellent, Terrific Ninety Days

makes me remember my blogger friend, Laura, whose son's family is living with her for much longer than one quarter.
I think he's deployed to Korea.
She tells good stories, reads interesting books, and writes about them, too.
I wonder if she would like this book?
I think it would make a cute gift for any grandparents.
I've lived with both my parents and in-laws for short periods of time.
Have you?
Pray tell me a story.