Here are some categories that come to my mind when I begin counting my blessings. Today I just want to contemplate these areas in their broadest sense and perhaps later (each week or month) be more specific.
Faith - that God quickened my heart at a young age and He keeps me on His path
Health - that mine is indeed good and I enjoy it
Temperament-that I awaken rested with a positive outlook each day
Husband - that he works sacrificially and lovingly for me
Family - for four beautiful daughters (and 2 SILs) who love and serve the Lord
Church - for over thirty years of sound sound preaching
Home - safe haven in a lovely community
Employment -for the ability to serve DH in his profession
Country - for these United States, O Lord, have mercy on us and save us from civil tyranny
I want to try next time and count (recognize) blessings like Kelly's or simple pleasures like Carol's.
As I was looking for a picture to illustrate my writing, I remember this beautiful bouquet brought to the office by one of our nurses. I am thankful for her and her gardening skills.
What a blessing!
This is a simple pleasure at its finest!