HR 1098 - Larry McDonald Memorial Highway; designate |
First Reader Summary
A RESOLUTION designating the Larry McDonald Memorial Highway; and for other purposes.
Page Numbers - 1/ 2
House | Action | Senate |
2/18/98 | Read 1st Time | |
2/19/98 | Read 2nd Time | |
2/26/98 | Favorably Reported |
HR 1098 LC 9 9628 A RESOLUTION 1- 1 Designating the Larry McDonald Memorial Highway; and for 1- 2 other purposes. 1- 3 WHEREAS, Honorable Lawrence Patton McDonald was born in 1- 4 DeKalb County, Georgia, on April 1, 1935; and 1- 5 WHEREAS, he was educated in the schools of Georgia, received 1- 6 a doctorate in medicine from Emory University in 1957, and 1- 7 completed his residency at Grady Memorial Hospital; and 1- 8 WHEREAS, he served his country with dedication and ability 1- 9 as a U. S. Navy overseas flight surgeon from 1959 to 1961; 1-10 and 1-11 WHEREAS, for many years he made his home in Cobb County, 1-12 where he practiced medicine and served in many positions of 1-13 honor and trust, including membership on the State Medical 1-14 Education Board, the National Historical Society, and the 1-15 Cobb County Chamber of Commerce; and 1-16 WHEREAS, from January 1, 1975, until his untimely death 1-17 aboard Korean Airlines Flight 007 on September 1, 1983, 1-18 Honorable Larry McDonald served as a Representative from the 1-19 Seventh United States Congressional District, and as such he 1-20 eloquently articulated the concerns of his fellow citizens; 1-21 and 1-22 WHEREAS, he dedicated his political life to the defense of 1-23 the United States Constitution; and 1-24 WHEREAS, Representative McDonald's tragic death as a victim 1-25 of the cold war deprived the State of Georgia of one of its 1-26 most outstanding native sons; and 1-27 WHEREAS, on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of his 1-28 untimely death, the State of Georgia wishes to preserve the 1-29 memory of the sacrifice and service of this able and 1-30 outstanding Georgian and recognize his service to the people 1-31 of his district. 1-32 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF 1-33 GEORGIA that Interstate Highway 75 from the Chattahoochee 1-34 River northward to the Tennessee state line is designated as 1-35 the Larry McDonald Memorial Highway. -1-2- 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Transportation 2- 2 is authorized and directed to erect and maintain appropriate 2- 3 signs at appropriate locations to reflect the designation 2- 4 provided in this resolution. 2- 5 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of 2- 6 Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit 2- 7 appropriate copies of this resolution to the family of 2- 8 Honorable Larry McDonald and the commissioner of 2- 9 transportation.