Women Civil Magistrates
Today's sermon was based on Isaiah 3 and used as a jumping off point to explain what the Bible has to say about Sarah Palin and her involvement in civil government.
Here's a link, if you want to listen to the full hour of preaching.
JCMIII carefully explains the importance of God's order in society: the family, the church, and the home. I understand and affirm those Scriptural positions as a Christian.
But since I was never planning to vote for Mr. McCain in the first place, I was not tempted to reconsider even after he selected his vice-presidential candidate. I will admit to paying more attention to the media coverage of the race because I thought adding Gov. Palin to the ticket was an ingenious idea. And I may even watch the debate scheduled for September 26th on the campus of Ole Miss.
Nevertheless I am dismayed at the way Christians are using Mrs. Palin. There are women involved in local, state, and federal governments everywhere we turn. I propose that if churchmen are truly concerned about reversing God's judgment on society that they challenge the legitimacy of the ones right in their own counties and churches.
In a recent
Xanga post, I recorded how many women hold public office in my area. Not so many, because I live in a *conservative* state.
But wanting to end on a positive note, I leave you with my selections for Goethe's quotidien duty of *hearing a little song, reading a good poem, seeing a fine painting, and speaking, if possible, a few reasonable words*:
SONGOver my morning coffee, I hear the songs of the birds who come to my feeders.POEMpenned by John H. Gurney, 1838 and sung as our closing hymn (#621 Trinity)Great King of nations, hear our prayer,
While at Thy feet we fall,
And humbly with united cry
To Thee for mercy call;
The guilt is ours, but grace is Thine,
O turn us not away;
But hear us from Thy lofty throne,
And help us when we pray.
Our fathers’ sins were manifold,
And ours no less we own,
Yet wondrously from age to age
Thy goodness has been shown;
When dangers, like a stormy sea,
Beset our country round,
To Thee we looked, to Thee we cried,
And help in Thee was found.
With one consent we meekly bow
Beneath Thy chastening hand,
And, pouring forth confession meet,
Mourn with our mourning land;
With pitying eye behold our need,
As thus we lift our prayer;
Correct us with Thy judgments, Lord,
Then let Thy mercy spare.
FINE PAINTINGSee Tissot's above.
REASONABLE WORDSAfter church I spoke a few reasonable words with a fellow member, who was present at a Palin/
Schlafly meeting.