Sunday, February 26, 2006


I like to sing. And I especially like to sing hymns. It's my favorite part of worship, after hearing the Word preached, that is. I like to hear others sing, too.

I oftentimes use hymns for my devotions, so I was particularly glad to read Christopher Wordsworth's (nephew of William) quote: *It is the first duty of a hymn to teach sound docrine and thence save souls." One of my favorite evening worship formats is to learn about hymns, their writers and their tunes.

I learned Wordsworth's hymn O Day of Rest and Gladness to Lowell Mason's tune, Mendelbras.

Click on the time to tell me about one of your favorite hymns.

PS There was a posted dated 2/18/06, in which I answered Donna's Friday Five, but it vanished!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Voice Recital

DD#1 and her voice professor just after her wonderful performance. She sang the following eleven songs beautifully.

With Verdue Clad from The Creation by J Haydn
Bois epais by J B Lully
Chanson d'Amour by G Faure
Ouvre ton coeur by G Bizet
Gretchen am Spinnrade by F Schubert
Spirate, pur spirate by S Donaudy
Memories by C Ives
Talk About a Child by R Chenault
Willow Song fm The Ballad of Baby Doe by D Moore
Strictly Germ-Proof: Antiseptic BabyPeter by J Sacco
So anch'io la virtu magica fm Don Pasquale by Donizetti

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Monday, February 06, 2006


Having finished a lengthy series of sermons on The Lord's Prayer, JCM exposited Luke 11:5-13 during yesterday's worship. This week I intend to study this parable in light of its ability to instruct my prayer life.

Last week I meditated on Paul's evangelistic sermon found in Acts 17. I was captivated by verses 30-31, which encapsulate the Gospel.

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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Word Cloud

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