Saturday, January 27, 2024



As a follow-up to the practicality of last year's word (steward),
 I am focusing on what informs that Biblical action: a heart properly connected to the Creator ~

Per habit, an acrostic

H = HELP/HOPE - Psalm 121:1-2
E = ENDURE - Romans 15:4
A = ABIDE - John 15
R = REVIVE/RENEW - Romans 12:2
T = TEACH - Psalm 119: 64                     

With these I will do Scripture-based word studies and also focus on Psalm 119:  the very foundation for connecting one's heart to the Creator.

Not only will I read Psalm 119 methodically, but also will search for (and sing)  hymns/lyrics based on these verses.  Daily readings from Charles Bridges' commentary on Psalm 119 are already underway.
Re-listening to a JCMIII Psalm 119 series:  The Christian's Delight at Sermonaudio;  Anthony Curto also has some good ones.  I plan to reference commentaries by Thomas Manton, John Calvin, and Matthew Henry to supplement my study.

At church, Pastor Jess is preaching through Corinthians, so I will attempt to integrate his sermons with my personal devotions.  In addition, I hope to read up on the life and times of the Corinthians: biography of the Apostle Paul (for example, historical fiction byTaylor Caldwell and movie _Peter and Paul_)

That sounds like a good start for  2024 ~

Added later:  As this year draws to an end, I can report that this study has been most beneficial, but I am feeling like I have just scratched the surface.  I mean, there are over 500 references to the word *heart* in Scripture.  So, I may return to this word study again.   In the meantime, a new word for 2025 is taking shape.

Saturday, January 20, 2024


CREATED by the LORD God Jehovah

SAVED by the sacrifice of His precious son Jesus Christ

EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit to live on earth and serve (Rom 6:11)

STEWARD of the manifold grace of the one and only true God

FOLLOWER of King Jesus

DAUGHTER of Christian parents

WIFE of one Godly husband

MOTHER of four daughters


SISTER of fellow followers of Jesus

FRIEND to some

NEIGHBOR to many