Behind our shield of health, each
of us must sense another's anguish
second-hand; we are agnostic
in the face of dying. So Joseph
felt, observer of the push
and splash of birth, and even Mary,
mourner, under the cross's arm.
Only their son, and God's,
in bearing all our griefs
felt them first-hand, climbing
himself our rugged hill of pain.
His nerves, enfleshed, carried
the messages of nails, the tomb's
chill. His ever-open wounds
still blazon back to us the penalty
we never bore, and heaven
gleams for us more real,
crossed with that human blood.
Wow! Have you ever had a poem grab the the first time you read it? To me it usually takes reading over and over to comprehend most poems. Furthermore, there is a Flannery O'Connor quote after the title in the book Sacrifice of Praise where I found Onlookers.
Sickness is a place...where there's no company, where nobody can follow.
Suffice it to say that I am praying for those who are ill and infirm today.
Click on the time to comment and leave the name of a sick friend who needs prayer.
I would appreciate prayer for one of my pg moms. She's in preterm labor at 32 wks and is presently in the hospital. Please pray that her baby will stay inside longer.
Will do.
Baby decided to come anyway. Assessment at birth was 33wks gestational age. Baby's doing fine with her breathing, etc. but must gain almost a pound before she can go home. Praising God that he got mom to the high risk hospital in spite of the snow storm, fog, etc. and that baby is doing well. Thanks so much for praying!!