Saturday, November 19, 2005

Turkey Stock

Today I am slow-roasting a turkey. I know it's a little early. Thanksgiving is still five days hence. But I will need the stock. So, after pulling all the meat off the bones this evening, I will freeze the meat for later use. I will put all the bones and skin in a large (8qt) stock pot and add two carrots, one very large white onion, two stalks celery, a clove of garlic, a few peppercorns, and enough water to cover all that. After bringing it to a boil, I will reduce the heat and let in simmer four hours with the lid cocked. After it cools downs a bit, I will drain the stock, toss out the bones/skins etc, and place the remaining liquid in the refrigerator to chill. The next day, I will skim the hardened fat off the top of the stock and relish in the taste of homemade turkey stock.

Now you are wondering what I will do with that stock. I need at least six cups for the cornbread dressing and four cups for the pearl onion gravy. Oh, and six cups for the pumpkin soup. That only leaves a bit for turkey noodle soup or turkey tetrazzini, two of my favorite Thanksgiving leftovers.

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1 comment:

  1. Dana, thank you for visiting my new blog! Your soup sounds delicious. I think I'll make it this week. God Bless. Janet
