Friday, March 28, 2008

Fashion and Fine Art

Yellow is the color!

Last week I was out shopping with the bride-to-be and noticed the fashion trending of the color *yellow*.

We found the perfect yellow accent bracelet for her blue dress.

Ever thrifty :) tho, I made no personal purchases, but came home determined to find the yellow in my wardrobe.

In the bottom of my scarf drawer, I rediscovered this fun *flower power* pattern.

After months of early sundowns and wintery colors, I am sooooo ready by March to wear Springier colors, but know that the temperatures continue to be cool. Hence, the cotton turtleneck.

You can't see that I'm wearing dark gray slacks and black boots.

Background art was painted by previousely mentioned DD#2 when she was in high school. Now she's an art major in college and preparing for her senior exhibit in six, short weeks.

Find the yellow in your closet and post a picture.

Fashionable is fun.

And proverbial :)

She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple.

Proverbs 31:22


  1. What? no blue box at your nose?? That picture makes the perfect background accompaniment.

  2. Ha ha!!

    Really :)

    I must improve my photography skills.

    It's hard to take a picture of yourself. They never look right.... unless you're Donna from Quiet Life :0

    I'm looking forward to reading her articles at the Pioneer Woman's Photography blog.

    Have you seen it?

  3. Hi Dana and Noel!

    You look amazing in yellow, Dana.
    And that scarf is fabulous!!!

    All you need now is some sunglasses :o)

  4. Yes, I'm thinking of adding some *big* sunglasses to my collection.

    In my carpooling days, the AM fashionista was sunglasses and lipstick.

    That covered a multitude of sins :o

  5. I bought a yellow dress at the thrift store on Tuesday! My choices lately tend to be orange or green...

  6. I cannot wear yellow, so I paint my walls yellow instead, and grow forsythia and daffodils and daylilies and sunflowers and chrysanthemums...

  7. I wore a yellow dress for Easter. Our bedroom waters are a creamy butter yellow.

    Neighbors down the block painted their house a sharp, acerbic lemon yellow. You can't know how badly I would like to tone that color down.
