Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday Dinner

Continuing the conversation after the meal is almost as important as the food itself.

Like Mrs. Schaeffer's said,*Food and meal-times shared have always been thought of as a closer kind of communication than simply talking to people, without eating together.*

More discussion here, too.

Last, but not least, DD#2 loading the dishwasher!

DD#3 is off camera putting leftovers in the 'fridge.

This week's after church meal was more simple: ham sandwiches and there were only three of us.


  1. It sure is fun to spend time with the cousins :o)

    I like your white board!

  2. How many first cousins do you have....or better yet, how many first cousins do your children have?

  3. 13 cousins on my father's side. (We all lived in the Chicago area and were VERY close)
    12 on my mother's side
    (We were close to the two that lived in the Chicago area)

    My children have...
    18 cousins on my side
    (rarely see any of them. So sad that we all live so far away.)

    7 on hubby's side
    (some holiday visits)

    I'm thinking we need to plan a reunion up in Minocqua for next summer!
