Book Lists
BuriedTreasureBooks is one of my favorite websites and every morning I check in to see what Carmon is pondering. Recently she posted about
reading lists and gave us several links.
With all the books choices and reading opportunities that exist, I agree with Samuel Johnson's quote about books (like friends) needing to be well-chosen. Early in my parenting was I convicted of my obligation to supply our children with worthy reading material as well as supplement their assigned (school) reading. See my
xanga entry on Parker Hudson's books.
But the real thrust of this entry is to comply with a request from Carmon. It relates to my references to Carolyn Custis James's book,
When Life and Beliefs Collide, mentioned
here, and
Carmon asked that I share Mrs. James's Recommended Reading List found in the back of this book.
The Bible
This heads the list of the books we need to read says Mrs. James on page 237 where she challenges her audience to read and study the Bible PLUS read it to (your) children. While she recommends Marian Schoolland's
Leading Little Ones to God (which I own), she also recommends
The New Living Bible (Tyndale House) which I do NOT recommend or own. She mentions Dr. Tremper Longman's
Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind for an overview. In this category, I own Eugenia Price's
Beloved World and Karen Lee-Thorp's
Story of Stories.
Mrs. James does recommend owning a set of commentaries. In our home library are Matthew Henry's and John Calvin's. For further resources she recommends Wayne Grudem's theological textbook, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. We refer to
R J Rushdoony's.
"Knowing God is not a private matter," states Mrs. James on pg 242, where she begins her list of books to help us get to know God better. "Historically, Christians have always explored AND interacted with the Scriptures within the context of the church;" and so, she refers us to godly leaders from previous generations by recommending
Augustine's Confessions; Calvin's
Institutes of the Christian Religion, and J I Packer's A
Quest for Godliness. She has already highly recommended Packer's
Knowing God.
Then a list of
Books to Help us Know God Better.
The Cry of the Soul: How our emotions reveal our deepest Questions about God.
Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts
The Pleasures of God
The Holiness of God
Tada's A
Step Further and
When God Weeps: Why our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
How Long, Lord? Reflections on Suffering and Evil
Books to Help Us Know God in Our Relationships
Intimate Allies
Tripp's, P D
Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens
War of Words: Getting to the Heart of Your Communication Struggles
Tripp's, T
Shepherding a Child's Heart
In conclusion, Mrs. James challenges us to become thoughtful readers (p.245) in the spirit of Acts 17:11 where Paul's listeners "received the message with eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what he said was true." Some of the books she recommends contain views with which she personally takes issue. But overall, the strengths far outweigh the weaknesses.
That is how I feel about the book,
When Life and Beliefs Collide.
Let me know if you've read it.