Saturday, September 22, 2007

Walking River Green

Kudos to me!!

I'm just back from four mile morning walk through a new subdivision not too far from my own neighborhood.

See the map I found. Neat, huh?

I finished in 65 minutes or 16 minutes per mile.

I'm happy with that pace.

This jaunt is part of my effort to keep my exercising routine fresh.

There are miles more of streets for me to cover, so I think I will be returning to this area.

Recently I wrote about finding the end of the sidewalk and I did in this new development as well. Hopefully, I wont bring home a blister like I did last time.

Neither knees nor hips bother me during/after walking. It's my feet I have to baby by rotating shoes, using orthotics, and stretching ligaments. That last one is fun (Not!) and is accomplished by rolling one's foot back and forth over cold *Coke* cans.

Now for Saturday chores.

Happy Fall Y'all!!


  1. Dana,
    I would love to walk with you.
    I think that every time I read of your jaunts.

    Besides the great talks...I love to looks at houses :o)

  2. Oh, Donna! There are miles of streets to cover in River Green. I only walked the main drag.

    And I need a local buddy :) My two most faithful walking friends are both 30 miles away.
